Author's posts

Complex Data types from a SQL database

Some times you will wish to use a complex data type from a SQL data base. if you do, use a convert() or cast statement in your SQL query to convert the type (such as an identifier or GUID) to a string. sqlQuery = Select CAST(OrderId as char(36)) FROM Orders WHERE (OrderStatusId = ‘0c6d9b32-f1f0-5cf5-9364-09d94b7b62f4’)

Release 9.7.20314.11438

eVo 9.7.20314.11438 is a maintenance release, and should only be installed if the published fix is required. Implements fix for error in ScanbarCode() module

Do not work on configuration file outside of Dashboard

[su_note note_color=”#ec2310″ text_color=”#f8f4f4″]Working on {evo} configuration files outside of Dashboard can cause serious problems.[/su_note] Facilities are provided within the Dashboard application to work with various configuration items such as Form Types, Server Tasks, etc, and these include the ability to copy them within the same machine to provide a duplicate, or to copy from one …

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Type 4 printer drivers are recommended when printing from eVo

[su_note note_color=”#acf596″]When printing directly from eVo, if possible a Type 4 printer driver should be used.[/su_note] This is because eVo uses Type 4 (XPS) printing, so if a matching printer driver is used then no format conversion is required and that avoids any potential problems and saves time. It is possible to print to a Type 3 …

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Welcome from Document Genetics!

Welcome to the {formate-evo} blog. As the UK distributor for eVo, we’ll be chiming in from time to time with useful nuggets of information, hints etc. So keep an eye on the blog for more…