New Patch Release – Please see release notes in Dashboard Update Utility
Available 01.08.2022
Title | Description |
Enhancement: Barcode Reading Engine replaced | Underlying barocde reading engine replaced and improved. *Note Support for reading MSI, EAN5, UPCB, and Code32 removed. |
Scripting: ReviewToPostProcess() Allows further processing after release from Reviewer | Allows a PDF Created via CreateCustomDoc to be forwarded for further processing after release from Reviewer. |
Scripting: CreateCustomPdfEx() New Version Option | New Option Parameter for CreateCustomPdfEx() to set version of resultant PDF created. |
Dashboard: Events to Log now include Print File – Spoolfile association | Added Print work Files to the “Events to Log” configuraitons options to log creation of print files and their associated spoolfile to aid diagnostic investigations if required. |
Application: Global Script Error Message now contains calling script and calling line number to aid investigation | Error messages generated in Global Script now include calling script and line of originating call. |
Application: Support for Event Log on MySQL 8.0.29 | Support for event logging on MySQL 8.0.29 added |
Scripting – Encodetext(): Internal Encryption of base64 Strings added | New Format Option “Base64Encrypted” available for use to transfer encrypted Base64String values between Formate eVo Servers. Added against future required to encrypt remote printer traffic. |
Dashboard: PDF Output Run – Default settings inconistent | Default settings for a PDF Output Run inconistent, and required mandatory entry of empty values. Settings made consistne and defaul vlaues added: Fixed |
Print Applet: On occasion 0KB print work files processed. | On ocassion 0KB print work filles were processed by Print Applet:Fixed |
Application: Reviewer CleanUp Event triggered with Reviewer being used | Reviewer CleanUp event only triggered if Reviewer enabled: Fixed |
Email Connection: EWS Unable to obtain Email form mailbox due to incorrect header | EWS connections to )365 Mailbox connection failed to returm some individual emails due them having incorrect headers. Additonal logging provided: Fixed |
Email Connection: EWS – failed to save attachment with invalid characters in name | EWS connection failed to save attachments if orignal name contained invliad windows characters: Fixed |
Dashboard: Restart Mail Queue Button: Tool Tip | Tool Tip help asscoated with “Restart Mail Queue” Button updated |
Dashboard: Trace Logging settings validation: | Trace Logging settings validation improved: Fixed |
Library Update: 3rd Party library updates | 3rd Party library updates |
List management: Added Clear List Button | In List Management, accessed via Web Service Monitor, added button to clear list |
Layout: Text Objects – Formatting changes when moving between Formatted and Raw text views | Unwanted format changes on text objects when moving between Formatted and Raw text views: Fixed |
List Management: Empty Data Field caused problem upon upload of CSV | CSV import validation ammended to rsolve issue with blank field values: Fixed |
Email Connection: Modern Authentication – problem with forwarding plain text formatted email | Problem with forwarding plain text formatted email whne using Modern Authentication: Fixed |
Email Connection: EWS – Unable to obtain attachment name if filename property not populated | Some emails, do not have filename property of attahcment populated, and the display name property was not being substitued when using an EWS connection: Fixed |
Help: XMLAttribute – updated | XMLAttribute() Help example updated |
Dashboard: Improved error message if Preview Settings call for a file to be opened, which is unavailable. | Fix to error message displayed when Form Type Preview settings set to Open file at end of preview and the file is moved in Cleanup script. |
Dashboard: Error Dialog – image changed | Image associated with error dialog changed |
Formtype: XML Spoolfile – Replace function use creates invalid XML – improved Error report | With an XML spoolfile, use of the inbound replace feature of a the Formtype can create an invalid xml file – error report improved. |
Dashboard: Display issues with Spoolfile and Layout property grids at enhanced screen scaling | Display issues with Spoolfile and Layout property grids at enhanced screen scaling: Fixed |
Library Update: 3rd Party PDF library updated | 3rd Party PDF library updated |