February 2021 archive

Release 21 (21.0.21053.11023) – Feature Demo’s

See the below links for short infographic videos of some of the item new to v21. Formate eVo v21 Release Videos – PDFRedact Command Formate eVo v21 Release Videos – EdPdfAddSignatureField Formate eVo v21 Release Videos – EdPdfTiffToPdf Formate eVo v21 Release Videos – EdPdfToTiff Formate eVo v21 Release Videos – Server Task – Export …

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Release 21 (21.0.21053.11023) – New Name , New Direction

Formate v21 is released 01.03.2021 This is an important event as it marks the first major release of Formate eVo under our stewardship. We are proud to announce that we have taken total ownership of the Formate eVo  Intellectual Property rights and control of the direction and development of eVo, from Trilogic Ltd. You will …

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Server Name: Limited to NETBIOS character limit

Server name as entered into the Server Properties should be 15 or fewer characters in length. Otherwise communication with the server may not be possible and errors will be encountered licensing Dashboard

Complex Data types from a SQL database

Some times you will wish to use a complex data type from a SQL data base. if you do, use a convert() or cast statement in your SQL query to convert the type (such as an identifier or GUID) to a string. sqlQuery = Select CAST(OrderId as char(36)) FROM Orders WHERE (OrderStatusId = ‘0c6d9b32-f1f0-5cf5-9364-09d94b7b62f4’)